Wonder Lister
User guide

How can I upgrade my subscription?

Please follow these steps:
  • Login to your Wonder Lister account on Wonder Lister website https://www.wonderlister.com
  • Click on the Pricing link at the top
  • Pricing page would display in your browser. In the Pricing table, under the subscription column of your choice, on the last row, you will see a button, click that button to start setting up your PayPal subscription. You will be redirected to PayPal's website, Login to your PayPal account and follow the instructions to complete the setup.
  • Once successfully done, you will be charged immediately.
  • At this point, you would have two subscriptions. The original one you had (before this upgrade) and this one that you setup just now.
  • So, you need to cancel the original subscription. See How do I cancel my subscription