Here are some tips you can use to keep your data in Wonder Lister up to date with eBay:
We recommend that once a month you execute all the options with the main menu "eBay Updates", which includes Importing Listings and Sales. This will ensure that any listing or sales that is missing in Wonder Lister is imported from eBay.
Always submit your listings that are in the folder "Edited Locally - Need to submit to eBay" at the end of the day or earlier (When ever your computer is a bit free) - as such listings are NOT automatically refreshed from eBay because if they did, your changes would be lost. See How do I refresh my listings from eBay
Always copy the database backup file (.bak) to an external hard drive so that even if your computer's hard drive fails, you still have a copy on the external hard drive
Copy your images to external hard drive. Wonder Lister database doe NOT store your images. Images are wherever you decide to save on your computer's hard drive. Thus database backup by itself is not enough, you must also copy your images to an external hard drive as a safety measure.
Make sure your computer has all the latest windows updates applied.