Wonder Lister
User guide

Sales Report

Follow these steps:
Click on the menu
Reports > Sales Report
A new tab will open.
Sale date from
Produce sales report starting from this date
Sale date till
Produce sales report till this date
Show Report
Click to start report generation. When the generation is done, the details are displayed in the table of various tabs as shown below.
Refresh eBay fees
Opens a new tab where you can refresh all the fees charged by eBay so that sales report accurately tracks the fees. See Refreshing eBay fees
Date wise
Displays the sales report date wise
Bulk update consignor / policy
Lets you edit the consignor and the consignor policy for each selected sale. A new tab is opened as follows:
Assign Consignor and/or Policy
Check this option to assign a consignor and/or policy to selected sale(s)
Remove Consignor and/or Policy
Check this option to remove previously assigned consignor and/or policy from selected sale(s)
Select consignor
Consignor to assign
Select consignor policy
Consignor Policy to assign
Perform the updates based on selections made
Closes the tab without doing any updates
Mark Consignor as Paid
Marks the selected sales to indicate that the consignor associated has been paid
Mark Consignor as Unpaid
Marks the selected sales to indicate that the consignor associated is not yet paid
Check the box "Show images for selected sale?" to display the images from the listing associated with the selected sale as shown below:
Double click on any sale to display corresponding order details in a separate tab:
Inside the Grid, do right click to see options:
Click on "Show Order Details" to display first selected sale in a separate tab. You can also double-click the selected sale to open its details as mentioned earlier.
Click on "Export as PDF" to export selected sale(s) to a PDF file
Click on "Export as Excel" to export selected sale(s) to an Excel file.
Region wise
Displays the sales report buyer's region (state, country) wise
Currency wise
Displays the sales report based off transaction currency wise