Instructions for ending active listings using a CSV file by SKU or eBay ID


Use this file to end active listings by specifying either SKU or the eBay Item ID. Multiple active listings (across different eBay sites) can be ended by specifying a SKU.

SKU specified? eBay Site specified? eBay Site is ANY? Action taken
Yes Yes Yes All active listings (across multiple eBay sites) with the specified SKU will be ended
Yes Yes No Only that active listing that is on the specified site will be ended
Yes No Not applicable If a single active listing is found, it will be ended. However, if more than one active listing is found, an error message is generated.
No Not applicable Not applicable If an active listing with the specified eBay ID is found, it will be ended.


List of valid column names

Column name Required? Remarks
SKU No Either SKU or eBay ID must be specified
eBay ID or eBayID No Either SKU or eBay ID must be specified
Site ID or SiteID No If specified, must be a valid eBay site ID or can also be ANY